Foundation Marchig General Grant Conditions

  1. All Grant Applications must be animal welfare orientated and be of direct benefit to animals. See Grants Programme for more information on the Foundation Marchig’s Grants Programme. 
  2. Applications for vehicles; expeditions; activities that are not totally animal welfare related; educational studies or other courses; the payment of salaries; support for conferences and meetings will not be considered.
  3. Grant Applications must only be submitted by e-mail to - All must be completed in the English or French language and wherever possible typed. 
  4. Applicants are expected to also have applied to other grant making Trusts and organisations for financial support for the project. 
  5. Applicants are not permitted at the same time or during the same year, to submit a grant application to the Foundation’s sister charity - the Marchig Animal Welfare Trust.
  6. Grant Applications must be completed in full and supported where appropriate, with the applicants most recent Financial Accounts and Annual Report. 
  7. Whilst we carefully and sympathetically consider all applications that meet with our criteria, it is not possible to either give reasons why applications are not successful, or enter into any dialogue or correspondence regarding projects which have failed to receive funding. The decision of the Marchig Foundation Council is final.
  8. Where a grant is given for the construction of a building (e.g. veterinary hospital, clinic, animal shelter), or for the staging of an exhibition or concert, the support of the Foundation Marchig must be suitably acknowledged. It should be noted that when applying for a building grant, outline plans will be required together with a list of internal fitments and equipment to be used. The Foundation will only support the construction of building’s that are functional for the task required and have no “frills”. 
  9. Before a grant is given for sterilisation costs through the use of private veterinarians, these costs will have to be made known and agreed by the Foundation Marchig. Reasonable but yet considerable discounted costs from the veterinarians to be used will be expected. 
  10. A Grant Acceptance Form must be completed and returned before any monies will be released. 
  11. Failure to return a Grant Acceptance Form within one month of one being sent will result in the offer of the grant falling by default. 
  12. The Foundation Marchig reserves the right to rescind the grant at any time should any of the conditions applying to the grant are changed or not fulfilled in any way without the prior approval of the Foundation; or it is felt that in the opinion of the Marchig Foundation Council, that it is appropriate to do so. 
  13. Where grant monies have been released, failure by an applicant to return the accompanying Form of Receipt will result in the organisation not being eligible for future funding. 
  14. A report on how the grant monies were used together with supporting photographs is mandatory. Failure by an applicant to produce such a report within a specified period will result in the organisation not being eligible for future funding. 
  15. Applicants can only re-apply a minimum of twelve months from the date of the conclusion of the previous application process, except in exceptional circumstances.

Download the GRANT APPLICATION FORM below: